As I have gone through the design thinking process with my students four times now I have noticed that not all my students are understanding each step of the process in the same way. It seems like no matter how many times I explain and model each step there is still confusion and way to much hand holding. So I put myself through the design process myself....
Here is what I came up with:
Problem finding: Students struggle with the concept and the tools needed for each step
Empathy: This is really new to all my students and they need something tangible they can refer to.
Define focus: Need statement- The students need a tangible product as a tool belt so as to use each step of the design thinking process correctly.
Ideate: Options included QR codes to videos or websites, Livebinder with resources and videos, a flip chart, reference cards.
Prototype: I started to create QR codes but struggled to find videos. I am working on videos for each step done by students (but this will require students who really understand it which I am lacking at this point and I really want a student not myself, but that may be the first run!). I also prototyped a set of cards that has each step, a small explanation of the step, and strategies for them to use. I plan to laminate these, put them on rings and have one for every table group
Test: Now on to test the card idea first and see if it really meets the needs of my students!
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